HTT - Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman - 2023 - 2024

Called by Time magazine the “theater event of the year,” Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses brings Ovid’s tales to stunning visual life. Set in and around a large pool of water, Metamorphoses juxtaposes the ancient and the contemporary in both language and image to reflect the variety and persistence of narrative in the face of inevitable change. Nominated for three 2002 Tony Awards, including “Best Play,” Metamorphoses earned Zimmerman a Tony for “Best Direction of a Play.”

There are only 60 tickets per show.

Evening Show Dates - 7:00 p.m. 

  • 11/9
  • 11/10
  • 11/11

Afternoon Show Dates - 2:00 p.m.

  • 11/12
Tuesday, October 17 –
Sunday, November 12, 2023
$5.00 - $8.00

Called by Time magazine the “theater event of the year,” Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses brings Ovid’s tales to stunning visual life. Set in and around a large pool of water, Metamorphoses juxtaposes the ancient and the contemporary in both language and image to reflect the variety and persistence of narrative in the face of inevitable change. Nominated for three 2002 Tony Awards, including “Best Play,” Metamorphoses earned Zimmerman a Tony for “Best Direction of a Play.”

There are only 60 tickets per show.

Evening Show Dates - 7:00 p.m. 

  • 11/9
  • 11/10
  • 11/11

Afternoon Show Dates - 2:00 p.m.

  • 11/12
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